City of Soylent versus City of Gold

Two experiences this week inspired this blog post. The first occurred when I passed a billboard for Soylent while driving through Hollywood. The billboard read, “Juice is sweet; Soylent is complete.” My initial thought was that consuming Soylent would just be depressing. Soylent is a “nutritionally complete, ready-to-drink, meal in a bottle” developed by engineers. …

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DBT Skills for Eating Disorders

DBT skills for eating disorder

by Elisha Carcieri, Ph.D. Both cognitive behavioral therapy for eating disorders CBT-E, and interpersonal therapy (IPT) are effective treatments for bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and patterns of disordered eating that don’t meet criteria for diagnosis. CBT for eating disorders involves making changes to patterns of behavior and thinking that serve to maintain the vicious …

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