Managing the College Transition…When You’ve Had an Eating Disorder

The College Transition [Image description: a young Black woman packs a suitcase for college] Represents a potential college student with a history of an eating disorder

The College Transition The day is finally approaching. You’ve gotten through college admissions tests, completed your applications, waited patiently for acceptances, and chosen your school. You’ve gone to prom. You are looking forward to finally being more independent and living away from home. You are learning about your roommate(s) and thinking about the classes you’ll …

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Why We Recommend Six Months of Demonstrated Readiness Before College

College Students in California [Image description: photo of 2 young woman and a young man walking on a college campus] Represents potential college students who have overcome eating disorders

College readiness for students with eating disorders is a topic that comes up frequently. Learn more about why we encourage a potential college student to demonstrate six months of recovery (versus a shorter time frame). Our Eating Disorder College Readiness Guide and Checklist In our oft-cited Eating Disorder College Readiness Guide and blog, we strongly …

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College Weight Gain: Don’t Fear The Freshman 15!

College Weight Gain in California [image description: 2 young women eating pizza joyfully with other snacks around] depicts potential college students in California who are not afraid of the Freshman 15

Let’s not fear college weight gain—let’s normalize it! College students throughout the US are heading off to their first year of college. Most are excited and also a little anxious. Among the common worries: Will I get along with my roommate? Will I make friends? Will I be able to keep up with the academics? …

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Parent Webinar–Is Your High School Student with an Eating Disorder Ready for College?

College Readiness Webinar 2024 [Image description: photo of Dr. Muhlheim and details about college readiness webinar on Feb 10, 2024]

Are you a parent of a High School Junior or Senior with an eating disorder? Learn how to ensure your student is ready for the transition to college. Attend our Parent College Readiness Webinar. Soon college acceptances will be arriving and deposits will be due shortly. College can be very challenging for young adults with …

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Home for the Holidays: Does Your College Student Have an Eating Disorder?

College student with eating disorder home for the holidays [Image description; photo of mother and daughter sitting on her bed] Represents a potential college student with an eating disorder in California

Could Your College Student Have an Eating Disorder? The return home for the holidays after the first semester at college is often the first time you’ve spent significant time with your young adult since they moved away. Maybe your college student looks a little thinner to you. Or maybe they are not eating the foods …

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Eating Disorder College Contracts

Eating Disorder College Contract in Los Angeles, CA [Image description: photo of a hand signing a contract] representing a potential college contract for a hopeful college student with an eating disorder in California

What is an eating disorder college contract? And do you need one? If you are sending a young adult with a history of an eating disorder to college (or seminary or another away program), it is a good idea to have a college contract in place. This is our recommendation for young adults with anorexia, …

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College, COVID, and Eating Disorders: What You Need to Know

College, COVID, and Eating Disorders [Image description: woman with mask in front of computer] represents a potential college student with an eating disorder having online therapy in California

As I’ve talked about in depth, the transition to college away from home is challenging for most young adults. It is especially fraught for young adults with eating disorders. In that article, I provided an Eating Disorder College Readiness Checklist. The article provides guidance for parents of students entering college after a history of an …

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On Empowering Parents—Not Pathologizing Them

Empowering Parents

I often write about the importance of including parents in the treatment of adolescents and young adults. My work is informed by my training in Family-based Treatment (FBT). A central component of this treatment is empowering parents to help their ailing children with eating disorders return to health. When asked why families should be the …

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Is Your Young Adult with an Eating Disorder Ready for College?

Is My Young Adult With an Eating Disorder Ready for College?

College Readiness When Your Child Has an Eating Disorder How do you know whether your child with an eating disorder is ready for college? Sending a child to college usually raises anxiety for most parents. And you may have even more anxiety if your young adult has or has struggled with an eating disorder. Dr. …

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