FREE Virtual Adult ARFID Support Group for people in California

Free ARFID Virtual Support Group [Image description: Text that reads: Free ARFID Virtual Support Group Don't miss out! Join our 2-year-running support group for adults in California. Reserve your spot today and connect with a supportive community that understands your ARFID journey! Every Thursday, 5-6 pm PST. Led by Dr. Lauren Muhlheim, Psy.D. PSY15045, Certified Eating Disorder Specialist. Call 323-743-1122 or email to reserve a spot]


Our FREE Adult ARFID Support Group is currently running and ongoing as of September 2024.

We have been running for 3 years.

Group WILL NOT Meet on

  • Thursday, September 26, 2024

Group conflicts are always listed here. Any Thursdays not noted here, the group is on!

ARFID Adult Support Group Meetings

This group is ongoing (since March 2021) and is held online on Thursday evenings, 5 to 6 pm. Other than the conflict dates noted above, the group continues to meet EVERY Thursday at 5 pm over Zoom–unless we notify you otherwise. Contact for the Zoom link.

Who is the ARFID Adult Support Group For?

The group is open to adults with ARFID anywhere in California, ages 18 and up.

We are seeing more and more need for treatment for Avoidant Restrictive Intake Disorder (ARFID). We have noticed that adults with ARFID have struggled with it for many years without treatment–or in many cases–without a diagnosis.

The patients we see with ARFID are usually relieved to find a treatment that is tailored to them. They report not knowing other people with ARFID and not having people in their lives who understand what it is like to live with ARFID. They report feeling like they don’t fit in in other eating disorder recovery and support spaces. It is for this reason, that Dr. Muhlheim started this support group in 2021.

What Happens During the ARFID Adult Support Group?Free ARFID Adult Support Group Online in California [Image description: purple scrabble tiles that spell "Free ARFID Adult Support Group"]

Each week, Dr. Muhlheim provides education and members share struggles and wins in living with ARFID.

Here are some themes we’ve discussed:

So, here we have it, a space just for adults with ARFID. Come for support and education.

To Join our FREE ARFID Adult Group

Call 323-743-1122 or email to reserve a spot.

Learn More About Our Other Services for ARFID

Several of our clinicians have several years of experience in treating ARFID and have undergone training in CBT-AR with Drs Thomas and Eddy, the developers of CBT-AR. We provide therapy for ARFID –including adults with ARFID and family therapy for teens and children with ARFID.


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