Help for Night Eating Syndrome

Help for night eating syndrome in Los Angeles, California [Image description: drawing of a person standing near a refrigerator and the moon is in the background] Represents a potential person with night eating syndrome seeking counseling in Los Angeles, California

Do you find yourself eating late into the night? Do you wake up and eat large meals before going back to sleep? Have you wondered whether this is an eating disorder? Read on to learn more about the problem and how we can help. What is Night Eating Syndrome? Night Eating Syndrome (NES) is a …

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Is Weight Suppression Driving Your Binge Eating?

Is Weight Suppression Driving Your Binge Eating? in Los Angeles, California [Image description: drawing of two women wearing purple sweaters and one is fat] Represents potential person overcoming weight suppression during eating disorder therapy in Los Angeles, California

Weight Suppression and Binge Eating: What You Should Know If you have bulimia nervosa, did you know that being at a weight that is too low for your body could be a problem? And that it could be driving your binge eating and other behaviors. Many people are aware that patients with anorexia nervosa need …

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Mindful Eating

The definition of binge eating is “the consumption of large amounts of food associated with a feeling of loss of control over eating.”  Individuals who binge eat describe the experience as almost dissociative.  They are frantically eating large amounts of food which they are barely tasting.  They feel unable to stop until they are uncomfortably full.

One skill that I teach clients who binge eat and overeat is mindful eating.  Mindfulness is a Buddhist principle that involves being fully aware of what is going on both inside yourself and in your environment at the moment.  Mindfulness is a skill that anyone can develop.

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