Unintentional Weight Loss as a Trigger for Anorexia.

Contrary to popular belief, weight loss leading to anorexia nervosa (AN) does always start intentionally and may follow an illness. Some of the biggest misunderstandings about anorexia nervosa center around it being an intentional illness and related to vanity. Paper on Unintentional Onset of Anorexia A paper by Brandenburg and Andersen in 2007 entitled Unintentional …

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Interested in Weight Loss? We CAN’T Help You. Here’s Why

Learn more about the non-diet approach at Eating Disorder Therapy LA - Health at Every Size (HAES)

Learn More About Our Non-Diet Approach At Eating Disorder Therapy LA, we treat eating disorders (including Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, and Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder or OSFED) across the weight spectrum. We often get inquiries from clients interested in help for binge eating or emotional eating, with their primary goal …

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Your Body’s Setpoint Weight

Accepting your body's setpoint [Image description: red hammer on a bathroom scale] represents the rejection of diet culture by a person in eating disorder recovery in Los Angeles, California

What is Setpoint? Setpoint refers to the weight at which your body functions optimally. Think of it like the weight at which your body wants to be—and if your body falls below this weight, your body gets messages to return you to a higher weight. This weight range is primarily genetically determined and will be …

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Is Weight Suppression Driving Your Binge Eating?

Is Weight Suppression Driving Your Binge Eating? in Los Angeles, California [Image description: drawing of two women wearing purple sweaters and one is fat] Represents potential person overcoming weight suppression during eating disorder therapy in Los Angeles, California

Weight Suppression and Binge Eating: What You Should Know If you have bulimia nervosa, did you know that being at a weight that is too low for your body could be a problem? And that it could be driving your binge eating and other behaviors. Many people are aware that patients with anorexia nervosa need …

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How We Set Recovery Weights

How we set recovery weights [Image description: Drawing of a doctor weighing a teen patient] depicts potential person with an eating disorder receiving therapy in Los Angeles, California

If you have an eating disorder, or your child has one, there is a good chance that weight gain will be an essential part of the recovery process. This is true not just for people in objectively small bodies, but also for people in larger bodies who are diagnosed with Atypical Anorexia, a weight-biased diagnostic …

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Weight Gain in Bulimia Recovery

Weight gain in bulimia recovery in Los Angeles, California [Image description: purple scrabble tiles spelling "Weight gain in bulimia recovery"]

by Elisha Carcieri, Ph.D., therapist at EDTLA One of the hallmark features of eating disorders is placing a high value on body weight and shape in determining one’s self-worth. In addition, people with eating disorders often believe that diet, exercise, or–in the case of bulimia nervosa–purging, can control body shape and weight. Individuals with bulimia …

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To the Family Member Who Worries I Am Not Helping Your Loved One’s “Weight Problem”

Learn About Our HAES Approach Dear Family Member, I understand your fears. I get it. You want the best for your loved one. You want him or her to have the best and healthiest and fullest life possible. I do too. You believe that helping your loved one to lose weight will help achieve these …

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Ten Facts About Weight Stigma – Guest post by Liliana Almeida, Ph.D.

Weight Stigm [Image description: larger black woman holding towel that says "wide load"]

  Weight stigma is a bias or discrimination relating directly to weight. Despite the fact that more than half of U.S. citizens are larger-bodied, our society holds a strong negative bias against fatness. The media reinforces weight stigma. The media, such as news media, displays persons in larger bodies in stigmatizing ways by depicting them …

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Eating Disorder Therapy Vs. Ozempic and Other GLP-1s

Guest post by 2023-2024 doctoral extern, Vera Levi, MA Many of our prospective clients are curious about GLP-1s for weight loss. They arrive seeking therapy for their eating disorder while simultaneously pursuing a prescription for Ozempic–not to treat a medical condition– but to lose weight. Here’s what you should know. Eating Disorder Clients Seeking Weight …

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Eating Disorders Before and After Bariatric Surgery–What You Need to Know

Eating Disorders and Bariatric Surgery [Image description: purple scrabble tiles spelling "Eating Disorders and Bariatric Surgery"]

Health professionals often recommend bariatric surgery for patients with larger bodies. A large body size, referred to in the medical world as “obesity,”—a term we will not use unless citing medical data— is not the same as an eating disorder. Yet, there is an intersection. A considerable number of people considering bariatric surgery may have …

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